Thursday, October 2, 2014


  Hello Pop Culture Club and welcome to our blog cleverly named Pop Culture Club. So this is the place anyone, not just members, can come and check out cool posts written by the officers of the club about our theme of the month. This is the first of many introduction posts that will introduce the theme within the first few days of the month.
    For our very first month our theme is fangirls. Fangirls make up such a large part of all pop cultures that we had to make them our first topic to talk about. Since fangirl is not an actual word in the official dictionary I took the initiative to look up the term on Urban Dictionary and the definition provided was "A rabid breed of human female who is obsessed with either a fictional character or an actor," which if you know any fangirls is very accurate.
   Many of you might be thinking "What kinds of things can you do about fangirls??" Well, my answer is so many things! First, you can discover old artists Duran Duran, Elvis, Bon Jovi, The Beatles, The Spice Girls or actors Gene Kelly, Cary Grant, Rita Hayworth. Then fangirl over them like you're from that time by putting together a playlist of their best hits or just the songs you like and listen to it until you can sing all the songs backwards, scour EBay for authentic paraphernalia, buy cheap posters of them from amazon and plaster your bedroom walls in them, make buttons with their face on them, or write them a fan letter and pray that the send you a signed picture. If you come to our meetings then you are in luck because we are going to do the last two activities together at our meetings!
  Before I go or should I say fall asleep let me remind you that our next meeting is on October13th in room 236 and we are making pins of a person you fangirl over. Make sure you bring a picture about 2 inches big and any decorations you would like to put on your pin (lace, glitter, stickers), but if you forget anything we'll have plenty of extra supplies. Thanks for reading our first post and if you have any questions leave a comment or ask an officer at school. See you at the next meeting!
Elvis fans